domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

Chapter 5 - Clues to Earth´s Past

are the remains. imprints, or traces of prehistoric organisms.

  are fossils in wich the spaces inside are filled with minerals from groundwater.

CARBON FILMthin film of carbon residue preserved as a fossil.

MOLD: a type of body fossil thet forms in rock when an organism with hard parts is burid, decays or dissolves, and leaves a cavaty in the rock.

CAST:  a type of bode fossil that forms when crystals fill a mold or sediments wash into a mold and harden into rock.

INDEX FOSSIL:  remains of species that existed on earth for a relatively short period of time, were abundant and widespread geographically.

PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION: states that in undisturbed rock leayer, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and the rocks become progressively younger toward the top.

RELATIVE AGE: is it age in comparison to other things.

UNCONFORMITY: gap in the rock leayer that is due to erosion or period without any deposition.

sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Chapter 4 - Water Erosion and Deposition

RUNOFF:  water that dosent soak to the ground and dont evaporate.

Back to the beginning

CHANNEL: water moving in the same path of a grove.

SHEET EROSION: occurs when water that is flowing as sheets picks up anda carries away sediments.

DRAINAGE BASIN:  is the area of land from wich a stream or river collects runoff.

MEANDER:  is a broad bende in a river or stream.

GROUNDWATER:  water that soaks into the ground collects in these pores and empty spaces and becomes part of what.

PERMEABLE:  is when the pore spaces are connected and water can pass through them.

IMPERMEABLE:  is when water cannot pass through of some materials.

AQUIFER:  is a layer of permeable rock that lets water move freely.
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WATER TABLE:  the upper surface of the zone of saturation.

SPRING:  a place where water emerges from the ground.

LONGSHORE CURRENT:   travel parallel to a coastline due to the breaking of waves on the shore.

BEACHES: are deposits of sediments that are parallel to the shore.

GEYSERS:  when water is put into a teakettle to boil, it heats slowly at first.

CAVE: A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground.