sábado, 9 de abril de 2011

Chapter 4 - Water Erosion and Deposition

RUNOFF:  water that dosent soak to the ground and dont evaporate.

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CHANNEL: water moving in the same path of a grove.

SHEET EROSION: occurs when water that is flowing as sheets picks up anda carries away sediments.

DRAINAGE BASIN:  is the area of land from wich a stream or river collects runoff.

MEANDER:  is a broad bende in a river or stream.

GROUNDWATER:  water that soaks into the ground collects in these pores and empty spaces and becomes part of what.

PERMEABLE:  is when the pore spaces are connected and water can pass through them.

IMPERMEABLE:  is when water cannot pass through of some materials.

AQUIFER:  is a layer of permeable rock that lets water move freely.
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WATER TABLE:  the upper surface of the zone of saturation.

SPRING:  a place where water emerges from the ground.

LONGSHORE CURRENT:   travel parallel to a coastline due to the breaking of waves on the shore.

BEACHES: are deposits of sediments that are parallel to the shore.

GEYSERS:  when water is put into a teakettle to boil, it heats slowly at first.

CAVE: A large, naturally-occurring cavity formed underground.

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